Monday, 27 April 2020

How to Cite Different Sources as Per the Chicago Citation Norms?

Chicago referencing style is used in the form of “author-date” format. However, it has been observed that most students struggle to cite the sources, and they use Chicago style citation maker online. But, if you take a close look, the Chicago citation is not that difficult to follow. Here, you will get to see the citation of some of the most widely used sources.
If you wish to cite a book, you have to follow the format below
Last name of the author, First name of the author. Title of the Book. Publisher City: Name of the Publisher, Publishing Year
For instance: Morgan, Neill. Handling Corporate Stress the Smart Way. New York: Scholastic, 2017
However, if you face an issue, do take the help of the Chicago citation generator. When the grades of the assignments are at stake, it is wise if you use authentic sources to generate the citations.
If you want to cite a journal, you have to abide by the following template
The surname of the author, First name of the author. “Title of the article”. Name of the Journal Volume number (Year Published): Page Numbers
For instance: Adams, Danielle. “The Rise in the Progressive Metal Music” Music Today 152 (2018): 56-78
If you intend to cite a website, follow the structure below
The surname of the author, First name of the author. “Title of the Page” Title of the Website. Web Address (retrieved Date Accessed)
For instance, Mikaela, Ryan “Spiritual Awakening: What Happens During this Time?” http://www.spiritualwayoflife/index.html (accessed April 1, 2018)
If you find it to be challenging, it is essential that you take the help of the online Chicago citation generator. Moreover, it is a wise decision if you choose a tool that is also an in-text citation maker. It will help you generate the citations that are required in the text.  
If you wish to cite a newspaper, you have to follow the format mentioned below.
The surname of the author, First name of the author, "Title of the article". Newspaper Title. Month, Date, Publication Year, Accessed Month, Date URL
For instance, Lee, Herman “The Decline in the Global Economy” The Daily Press, March 12, 2019. Accessed February 15, 2020, http://www.thedailypress//cxqute_r=123 
If you have gone through the blog thoroughly, you will be able to cite your sources easily. However, if the issues persist, you should take the help of the Chicago style citation maker tool. 

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Citing Assignments Easily in the APA Style

In any academic content, it is essential to cite all the sources properly to avoid any case of plagiarism. There are several types of referencing style following which a resource can be cited, one of which is the APA style. You need to know the correct method of citing a source using APA referencing style; otherwise, you might lose points for it. If you want to learn how to do this, read this blog.

The right method of citing an assignment in the APA reference style is given below:
Citations can be of two types: In-text citation, and the full citation that exists in the reference list or bibliography. The in-text citation is a compressed version of the long citation that is used in the referencing list.

How to create an In-text citation in the APA style? 

To create this citation, you will just have to write the last name of the author, then, a comma (,), and the publication year, all under two parentheses. Other than this, you can also use the year of publication in a bracket after mentioning the surname of the author in the line. For example, (Hardell, 2018), or, Hardell (2018) says........ This is usually when specific information has been taken from a text and used in one’s writing.
In the case of two to three authors, the last name of all the authors will be included, and the same pattern will be followed as mentioned above.  If four or more authors are there, the surname of the first author will be followed by ‘et al’ and the date of publication. For example, (Chapman et al, 2016).
If it is a direct quotation taken from a text, the line will be within double quotation marks, the page number must also be included after the line like this, ‘(p.4)’.

How to write the reference in the APA style?

To write this, the following information is needed:
· Author or editor’s name
· Publication date
· The item’s title
· Publisher’s name
· Publication place
· Page numbers
· Volume number
· Issue number
· Report number
· Title of the journal
· Access date

While writing the reference list, you must follow the alphabetical order according to the name of the author or editor. You should include all the sources you have used in your assignment in the reference list with the help of APA format generator.

To write the citation for the reference list, you have to write the last name of the author, followed by a comma, then, the initial of the author’s first name, a dot (.), a comma (,), then, the title of the item, the journal name if it is an article, then, again a comma (,), followed by the volume and issue number, and then the page number.

An example is given below:

Henderson, J. (2005) Google Scholar: A source for clinicians? Canadian Medical Association Journal, 172 (12), 1549-1550. Thus, when you need to cite the sources you have used in your assignment, you can use this guide to make the process easier for you.