Chicago style is often used by history and social sciences researchers to structure their references. It comes in two varieties – notes and bibliography and author-date.
Scholars working in the humanities widely use the notes and bibliography system. Each source is cited in numbered footnotes and listed in a separate bibliography. In contrast, the researchers in the science and social sciences domain commonly use the author-date system.
Here, brief citations are written parentheses with the author's last name and publication year and complete references in the Chicago style bibliography section.
Notes and Bibliography: Various Sources with Examples
Ø Book
Notes: Jordan Smith, Spring Time (New York: Penguin Press, 2017), 325–16.
complete references.Shortened notes: Smith, Spring Time, 325.
Bibliography entries: Smith, Jordan. Spring Time. New York: Penguin Press, 2017.
Ø E-book
For e-books, add an URL or the name of the database. In case there is no page number, you can cite a title/chapter or omit.
Notes: Giyani B. Keith and Ralph Lobo, eds., The Citation Guide (Chicago: University Press, 1989), chap. 11, doc. 29,
Shortened notes: Keith and Lobo, The Citation Guide, chap. 11, doc. 1989.
Bibliography entries: Keith, Giyani B., and Ralph Lobo, eds. The Citation Guide. Chicago: University Press, 1989.
Ø Journal article
In a note, cite particular page numbers. In the bibliography, add the page range for the entire article.
Notes: Solomon Seinfeld, “Children and Psychology,” Classical Philology 11, no. 4 (April 2018): 180
Shortened notes: Seinfeld, “Children,” 170–80.
Bibliography entries: Seinfeld, Solomon. “Children and Psychology.” Classical Philology 11, no. 4 (April 2018): 170–80.
Ø News or magazine article
For citing print sources - newspaper, magazines, blogs, and the like add page numbers in a note but omit it from a bibliography. You can add a URL for an online article.
Notes: Willow Feynman, “Advancement of technology through the camera lenses,” City Times, March 9, 2015,
Shortened notes: Feynman, “Advancement.”
Bibliography entries: Feynman, Willow “Advancement of technology through the camera lenses,” City Times, March 9, 2015,
Author-Date: Various Sources with Examples
The following examples illustrate the author-date system. A corresponding in-text citation accompanies each instance of a reference list entry.
Ø Book
Reference list entries: Taylor, Brian, and Charles Bonsai. 2017. A Curious Child. New York: Simon & Simon.
In-text citations: (Taylor and Bonsai 2017, 18)
Ø E-book
Include an URL or the name of the database in the reference list entry. If there's no page number, cite the title/chapter.
Reference list entries: Austen, Jane. 2008. Pride and Prejudice. London: Penguin Classics. Kindle.
In-text citations: (Austen 2008, chap. 5)
Ø Journal article
In the reference list, include the page range for the whole article. In the text, cite specific page numbers. For reports consulted online, include a URL or the name of the database in the reference list entry.
Reference list entries: Ming, Shao-Hsun, Lee Lin, and Peter F. William, 2017. "Higher Education in Asia, 1990–2017: Effects on Education Quality and Income Inequality.” Journal of Education and Career 9, no. 3 (Spring): 1–35.
In-text citations: (Ming, Lin, and William 2017, 1-35)
Ø News or magazine article
Add page numbers in the text but omit it from the reference list. You can also add an URL for online articles.
Reference list entries: Stevenson, Rob. 2008. “Apple’s products are Sleek, Smart and Simple.” Daily Post, July 5, 2008.
In-text citation: (Stevenson 2007)
After you are through with your citations, make sure to check them carefully for some accidental mistake. Why wait? Start practicing!
Summary: Learning how to cite in Chicago style will be no longer challenging if you nail the basics. If you are struggling with the basics, you may find this article useful.